Outlook 365, Shortcut Keys for Operating Microsoft Outlook

Working in Outlook 365 (version 2201) for keyboard users is made much simpler when you understand and can use short keys for screen reader users. Much of the functionality of the program is available by using the following information.

For a full list of keyboard shortcuts: Keyboard Shortcuts for Outlook.

Compose a new message and send – Mail View

  1. Press Ctrl +1 to display the outlook in mail view.
  2. Press Ctrl +N to compose a new mail.
  3. Focus is on “To” input filed and enter the email id.
  4. Tab key to move it to the “Subject” field and enter the subject of the email.
  5. Tab key to move the cursor to compose the email content.
  6. Press Ctrl + Enter to send the message.

Insert an attachment in the mail

  1. Press Ctrl +N to compose a new mail.
  2. Press Alt + N to display Insert menu option.
  3. Press “AF” to insert a file.
  4. “Recent items” are displayed along with the Browse this PC folder.
  5. Select the file from the desired location to attach the file to the mail.

Reply to the email

  1. Press Ctrl +1 to display the outlook in mail view.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to Switch to Inbox folder.
  3. Use up and down arrow key to select the message to reply.
  4. Press Ctrl+R to Reply to a message.
  5. Press Ctrl+Shift+R to Reply to all message.

Forward an email

  1. Press Ctrl +1 to display the outlook in mail view.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to Switch to Inbox folder.
  3. Use up and down arrow key to select the message to Forward.
  4. Press Ctrl+F to Forward the selected email.
  5. Enter the email id in the “To” field.
  6. Ctrl + Enter – to send the message.

Move an item to the selected folder 

  1. Select an email that needs to be a move to a folder.
  2. Press Ctrl+shift+V to display the Pop-up window with the folders.
  3. Select the desired folder or tab to select “NEW” to Create a new folder.
  4. Tab to select “OK”.
  5. The mail is moved to the desired location.

Move inside the folder pane

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Tab to move between the folder pane, the main Outlook window, the reading pane, and the To-Do bar.
  2. Move up and down arrow key while the focus is on folder pane to browse through the folders on the left-hand side.

Access items in different folders

  1. Press Ctrl+Y to display the “Go to Folder” pop up window with the folders.
  2. Use Up and down arrow key to select the folder and press Enter key.
  3. The focus is on the selected folder and items on the folder is displayed on the reading pane.

Search an item

  1. Press F3 to focus the cursor on the Search input field.
  2. Enter the text in the search input field.
  3. The reading pane displays the search result.
  4. Ctrl+ Tab to focus the items on the reading pane and use up and down arrow key to select the email.

Flag an item

  1. Press Ctrl +1 to display the outlook in mail view.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to Switch to Inbox folder.
  3. Use up and down arrow key to select the message to Flag.
  4. Press Ctrl+Shift+G, “Custom” pop-up window is displayed.
  5. Press “Tab” key to select the date and press “Ok” to flag the message.

Reading Pane

  1. Space bar used to page down through text in the Reading Pane.
  2. Shift+Spacebar used to page up through text in the Reading Pane.
  3. The Left Arrow key or the Right Arrow key used to Collapse or expand a group in the email message list.

Browse between opened Messages

Open a few email messages from Reading pane.

  1. Press Ctrl+Period to Switch to next open message.
  2. Press Ctrl+Comma to Switch to previous open message.

Format the message

  1. Press Ctrl +1 to display the outlook in mail view.
  2. Press Ctrl +N to compose mail.
  3. Focus is on “To” input filed and enter the email id.
  4. Tab key to move it to the “Subject” field and enter the subject of the email.         
  5. Tab key to move the cursor to compose the email content.
  6. Press Alt+O to Display the Format menu.
  7. Press FF to format the text. Press Tab key to select the format menu.

Create an appt in calendar

  1. Press Ctrl+2 to display the Calendar view.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+Q to create a meeting request.
  3. Enter the required fields To, Subject, Location, and Message.
  4. Ctrl+ Enter to send the meeting request.

Create an appt in the calendar

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+A to Create an appt in the calendar.
  2. Tab the key to enter Subject, Location, Message and, Time.
  3. Press Alt+S to save the meeting.

Accept the meeting request

  1. Press Ctrl +1 to display the outlook in mail view.
  2. Select the meeting invite email in Inbox.
  3. Press Alt + H and then press
  • C = Accept
  • D = Delete
  • J = Tentative
  • N = Decline
  • PT = Propose new time

Keywordsaccessibility, keyboard-only, daily tasks, e-mail, calendar, navigation, attachment, folders, meeting invitation, messages email alt   Doc ID92003
OwnerOffice 3.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2019-05-28 13:53:44Updated2022-02-21 15:13:27
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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