Event Attendance - How to Add a New Unit Course

This tutorial will show how to add a new unit course in the Event Attendance application.
Associating a Unit Course with your Unit in ATLAS Event Attendance can give you more options for event organization and reporting after your events occur. There is even an option in the Run Reports area to generate a report that involves the course roster for Unit Courses. 
1.) Navigate to the Unit Administration tab and click on 'Unit Courses.' 
The "Unit Administration" page of Event Attendance. The "Unit Administration" option in the left-side navigation menu is highlighted, as is the "Unit Courses" link in the center of the page.
2.) On the Unit Course Administration page, click the green 'Add New Course' button. 
The "Unit Course Administration" page of Event Attendance. The "Add New Course" button is highlighted.
3.) First, type the Course Name in the text box. 
The "Add New Course" page of Event Attendance. The "Course Name" field is highlighted.
4.) Next, select the Course Number from the drop down menu. 
The "Add New Course" page of Event Attendance. The dropdown menu of the "Campus Course" field is expanded and highlighted.
5.) If you want to enable an iCard photo option, click the option for it. This feature will display iCard photo when an event attendee has checked in. Then click the green 'Add Course' button.
The "Add New Course" page of Event Attendance. An arrow points to the "Enable iCard photo option for course" checkbox, and the "Add Course" button is highlighted.
6.) You'll know you were successful when you are brought back to the Unit Course Administration page and you see your course under the ATLAS Courses box. 
The "Unit Course Administration" page of Event Attendance. A newly-added course is visible in the list of courses, which has been highlighted.
See more tutorials for Event Attendance Here: 

KeywordsEvent Attendance, ATLAS, unit, course, add, new, app, application, event, attendance   Doc ID92670
OwnerBeckett A.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2019-06-24 16:09:16Updated2024-09-19 15:25:10
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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