Kaltura, Shibboleth error when trying to access videos on a mobile device

If you have trouble viewing Kaltura videos on a moblie device, first, try to view the videos on a computer. If this works, the steps below on your mobile might allow you to view the videos.
Install and log in to the KMS go app:  

  1. Install the KMS Go app (iOS or Android)

  2. The address should be "mediaspace.illinois.edu." 
  3. Log in as you do to Canvas

  4. Search for the rubric and number of your course (e.g., BADM 101).  If the videos have been added to a private channel, you should now be able to view the videos on your phone.  

Kaltura, Canvas, video, error, shiboleth, mobile, app, KMS Go, iphone, android, iOS 
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Alan B. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services