Echo360 Finding/Viewing a Course

How to find and view courses in Echo360 which you are an instructor for.
Searching for a Course
  1. Login into Echo360  Vet Med Echo360 Login
  2. Click on "Courses" on the left navigation banner
  3. In the right course pane, clicking on the course of interest.
  4. To find a course you are the instructor on, type your name in the "Search Content" bar
  5. Click on the row of interest to open and view, review analysis, etc.
Echo360 Courses screenshot
Echo360 Courses search
  1. If you have more than one role in Echo360, change your role to instructor to use these instructions.
  2. If you do not see your course listed in the step #2 and #3 above, you may need to request access to the course.   Email to indicating which courses you need access to (i.e. VM 604, VM 608, etc.)
  3. If you no courses come up in step #4 above against your name, look to see if the course is present with a different instructor's name listed.

echo, 360, echo360, course, instructor 
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Jeff F. in UI College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine