Echo360 Add a new class, add materials

Instructions on creating a new class and uploading presentations or videos to it.

Training Video

Training Video (2 min, 46 sec)
  1. Log into Echo360
  2. Select Courses
  3. Select the tile of the Course
  4. Select New Class
  5. Enter information; name, start date and time of the class
  6. Select Ok
  7. Select the blue "+" symbol to add content to the class period. You may Upload a file or Import from your Library 
    1. For presentation files, you may Import from Library if you have already uploaded the file to your Echo360 Library; or select Upload if the file is not yet in your Library - open your File Explorer to locate the file and drag it into the Echo360 upload window and press Upload.  Presentation files not already in your Echo360 Library will take a moment to process.
      1. Note:  Lecture presentations should still be sent to Design Group.  This is merely an option for instructors wishing to add presentations or other instructional materials in Echo360.
    2. For videos, select from your Library or upload from your computer using the same steps as above.  Video files not already in your Echo360 Library will take a moment to process.

Echo, 360, class, upload 
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Owned by:
Jeff F. in UI College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine