ACES Technology Services, Doris Kelley Christopher Hall 7

This room is a Human Development & Family Studies Classroom.

Room Information

  • For more information/training on this classroom, please contact us at:
    • E-mail:
    • Phone: (217) 244-2883
  • This room accommodates up to 24 attendees. For information on all classroom capacities: Click here
  • To Reserve the room: Click here and enter the required information.

Equipment in this room:

  • Resident Desktop Computer Station with two monitors
  • Wireless Presentation Device (Kramer)
  • 3 Front Projector Displays
  • Touch Panel (source options PC, HDMI, and Wireless)  
  • 3 microphones (1 instructor, 2 catch boxes)

Connections and Adapters Available:

  • HDMI  hdmi
  • USB

Useful links:

How to use the Wireless Presentation deviceClick here

View pictures of the room: Click here

Helpful Zoom information: Click here

A/V Guide

This room contains the following A/V equipment: 

  • 3 front projector displays, which can be controlled via the A/V Panel (See above)
  • An instructor microphone (also controlled via the A/V Panel)
  • Two 'catch box' microphones (For more information, see the Microphone Instructions section)


  • This A/V panel contains the following features:
    • There are 3 options to present (right side): 
      • Select PC, if presenting through the resident computer (enter your UIUC logon credentials) 
      • Select HDMI, if connecting your presenting device to the HDMI connection on the panel
      • Select Wireless, if presenting through wireless (Wi-Fi) device. 
    • There are 3 projector display controllers on the left side of the panel.
      • Each controller corresponds to each display in the front of the room. 
      • To control each display's height, use the up/down/stop buttons on its respective controller
    • There are a few additional features: 
      • 'Instr vol up/down' buttons to directly control the volume of the instructor microphone
      • 'PC Mute' button to mute sound output of PC. 

Wireless Presentation Instructions

This wireless presentation device uses Kramer. For full capabilities, install the Kramer via its application.

  • Type in the IP address shown on the screen into your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.)


  • Launch the Kramer via the app/browser, and connect to the DCH 7 display using the code on the screen. 

When done (if there are no subsequent classes), please set the display to OFF. 

Room Pictures

                 View from the back-left of the classroom                                  View from the back-right of the classroom


                       View of Resident Monitors                                            View of Closet with Resident Desktop Equipment


Microphone Instructions

This room is equipped with microphones in two flavors!

A Lavalier Microphone is available in a zipper pouch below. Turn on the pack using the switch located at the top. Adjust the volume by using the Present Volume button (not the knob!) located on the right side of the media panel. There is no visual indicator for the volume level, so you will need to adjust by ear.

The Catchbox microphones are the blue and orange plush cubes located below. To use them, remove the inner core and flip the switch on. Each catchbox corresponds to one side of the room and will be amplified for the other side of the room. 

  • There's two switches! One on the pack, and the other by the battery!
  • Both the Lavalier microphone and the Catchbox will also feed into Zoom and Teams meetings.
  • When finished, please turn off the microphones and return them to their original locations!
  • Spare batteries should be available nearby for any emergencies

                                                                Original Instructions: posted on instructor lectern


                              Instructor Microphone                                                                            Catch Boxes


                                                                                   Catch Box Microphone



Doris Kelley Christopher Hall 7 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Gregory P. in Answers @ ACES
University of Illinois - College of ACES