ACES Email Lists - View list member email addresses as text
NOTE: This is only available for public lists. If you need a list of subscribers for an email communication, but can't use this method, please contact the list owner(s) and/or your friendly neighborhood IT office.
1. Once you have located and opened the email list you want, click "Review Members" in the left-hand column
2. Click the "View list member email addresses (text only)" link
3. You will see a list of email addresses displayed as text
4. Select some or all of the addresses, as needed, and copy/paste into another application (i.e. Email+ Group Manager, Excel spreadsheet, Outlook email To: field, etc.)
5. When you're done, you can hit the Back button on the browser to return to the Review Members page in Lists @ ACES
To use this exported list in WebTools Email+ and Group Manager, follow the steps provided by Public Affairs at this link.