Topics Map > Services > Business Systems > ACES Datawarehouse (ADW)

ADW - Fed Ag Queue - new access for person

Provide access to person that needs to review and receive Fed Ag Queue entries.

To request access for someone new to review the Federal Ag Approval Queue, the request is made with AITS. Separately, they need to be configured in the ACES ADW Fed Ag Queue tool to see their org's entries and receive notices via email. Please write to to request the new person be added; please include their netid, EDW ID, and org(s) they should be approving.

(ACES Technology Services: log into internal site to view more details)


Keywordsdatawarehouse ADW EFAS (federal ag queue)   Doc ID90919
OwnerJoshua H.GroupAnswers @ ACES
Created2019-04-09 13:01:29Updated2023-03-17 15:43:32
SitesUniversity of Illinois - College of ACES
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