ACES Technology services, Turner Hall W223

This room is a Crop Sciences and Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences Classroom.

Room Information

  • For more information/training on this classroom, please contact us at:
    • E-mail:
    • Phone: (217) 244-6407
  • To Reserve the room: Click here and enter the required information
  • This room accommodates up to 36 attendees. For information on all classroom capacities: Click here

Equipment in this room:

  • Resident Desktop Computer with Monitor
  • 1 Large TV screen
  • 6 Small TV screens
  • Projector
  • HDMI     HDMI
  • VGA      VGA
  • Wireless Presentation Device
  • Speaker/Microphone/Webcam
  • USB Port on Equipment desk
  • Touch Panel (source options include VGA, HDMI, PC, Wireless) 
  • Logitech pointer presented on Resident Desktop- Assists with slide navigation and laser pointer 



Room W223 is a technology enhanced classroom, this has Lecture mode and Collaboration mode. Collaboration mode enhances the experience in the room to allow for breakout sessions within the room if you plan on doing group or project work where each of the 5 tables would need a dedicated screen. If you need more information/training on collaboration mode, please contact us. 

Connections and Adapters Available

  • HDMI  hdmi
  • VGA  vga
  • Dell 4-in-1 Adapter (includes: HDMI, USB-A, Ethernet, VGA)

Meeting options

  • Zoom presented on Resident Desktop Computer using Webcam on the Monitor.
  • Teams presented on Resident Desktop Computer using Webcam on the Monitor.

Useful links

How to use the Wireless Presentation device: Click here
View pictures of the room: Click here
Helpful Zoom information: Click here 

How to use the Touch Panel:

Touch Panel Guide

1. Touch the Screen to Begin


2. Select Lectern at the top on the left


3. There are 4 options to Present:

    • Select PC, if presenting through the resident computer, enter your UIUC login credentials
    • Select Wireless Presenter, if presenting through WIFI device.
    • Select HDMI or VGA if connecting your device through these ports

4. If Presenting through Wireless Device:


    • Go to the Web browser, enter the URL shown on the screen(In this case,


    • Enter the 4 digit code displayed on the screen on to your device
    • The screen on your device will display two options:
      • Install Solstice pod
      • Already have my app installed.
    • The solstice app should already be installed on your system if not please install the app
    • The app will list all the classrooms
    • Click on the desired classroom to present
    • The Device will Start Presenting

4. When done please click, System off and Power Down if there are no other classes


This is a Enhanced Tech room, If you want more assistance on collaboration mode please send us a email at

Room Pictures

View from the Lectern                                                                                                                             View from back of the room

Lecturn View                       View from back of room

Picture of the Lectern                                                                                                                          Picture of Wall socket for collaboration mode

Lecturn                        Wall Socket


KeywordsW223 Turner Hall   Doc ID130816
OwnerArchana P.GroupAnswers @ ACES
Created2023-09-02 07:03:32Updated2024-09-05 11:03:38
SitesUniversity of Illinois - College of ACES
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