Outlook - Creating a Skype for Business Meeting

Follow the steps below to easily create a Skype for Business meeting in Outlook 2013 and 2016 for conference calls, presentations, and/or video conferencing.

1. In Outlook, open Calendar.

2. In the toolbar, click the New Skype Meeting button

Outlook's New Skype Meeting Button

3. You'll see a normal meeting invite, but it includes Skype Meeting info. You can also copy and paste this info into a different email.

Skype meeting details incl phone number and Conference ID

4. Add a subject and location.

5. Add any text to the invite.

6. Invite the attendees.

6a. Note: If you are setting up an invite for a presentation in a specific room, invite that room just like a regular attendee.
ex. aces_sims_room, aces_morgan_room, uie-mondo-it

6b. To join a meeting from an invited room, follow the quick steps here.

Meeting details finished, ready to send

7. When you're ready, click Send.

That's it!

skype, meeting, "online meeting", "skype for business", outlook, lync, "video conference," "conference call" 
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James K. in Answers @ ACES
University of Illinois - College of ACES