122 Bevier Hall - Presentation Capture with CaptureSpace

Instructors teaching in 122 Bevier Hall can use the CaptureSpace tool from Illinois MediaSpace to record student presentations, lectures, slides, and/or audio content and upload it directly to MediaSpace for distribution. Follow the steps below to get started.

Recording in ACES Classrooms with CaptureSpace

First-time step: install CaptureSpace on the room computer. Everyone has to download it the first time under their own login.

1. Go to mediaspace.illinois.edu, click "Illinois Login" -> Log in

2. Click the "Add New" drop-down menu and choose "CaptureSpace"

Image of MediaSpace Add New dropdown menu

3. Select your operating system. On the 122 Bevier podium PC, choose Windows.

4. Wait for the download to finish, then launch the installer from the Downloads folder

Image of Kaltura installer in Downloads folder

Image of installer run prompt

5. When the download finishes, it will tell you to launch from MediaSpace.

Image of how to launch software prompt on completion of installation

6. Go back to MediaSpace and repeat step 2 - Add New -> CaptureSpace

Image of MediaSpace Add New menu dropdown showing CaptureSpace option

7. Wait while the app launches

Recording a quick video from the webcam and mic

1. The "Recording Types" window will appear

2. BEFORE choosing a recording type, double-check your settings

3. For "Local Media Files Storage" click "Browse" and choose "Desktop" at the top of the folder tree.

4. In 122 Bevier, use QuickCam USB as the webcam, Speakerphone (AV BRIDGE) for the mic, and 720p for both webcam and Screen Recording Quality.

Image of CaptureSpace settings window

5. Click the "Save" button to save settings

6. Click back to "Record" and choose "Webcam"

Image of CaptureSpace Recording Types window

7. It will count down 5 seconds and begin recording.

Note: if the Vaddio webcam needs adjustment, you can use the remote to change it on the fly.

Uploading a recording to MediaSpace

1. When you are finished recording, click the "Done" button

Image of CaptureSpace recording tools including done pause and cancel

2. When the recording is complete, it will automatically show you a preview of the video. Check it if you prefer, then click the "Done" button, lower-right

Image of CaptureSpace preview window done button

3. In the Upload Options box, give your recording a title, description, and tags for searching later

Image of CaptureSpace upload window requesting title description and tags

4. Click the "Upload" button and wait while it uploads

Image of CaptureSpace video uploading wait window

5. When the upload finishes, you will find the recording both on the Desktop and in your MediaSpace "My Media" library.

Image of MediaSpace website login dropdown menu with My Media option

6. (Optional) You can integrate MediaSpace and Compass 2g. Check out this answer article for more info.

record, lecture, capture, kaltura, mediaspace, capturespace, recording, webcam, audio, "smart classroom", classroom, mic, "web cam", "capture space", vaddio, crestron, podium, bevier, "122 bevier", "122 BH", "bevier 122", "ag ed", 
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James K. in Answers @ ACES
University of Illinois - College of ACES