Office 365 - Outlook Web App - Sign in to a shared mailbox
Some offices use shared mailboxes, contact lists, and/or calendars. Student staff without Exchange accounts can sign in to these mailboxes via Outlook 365, also known as Webmail, by following the steps below.
1. In a browser, go to:
2. Sign in with the full email address of the shared account, i.e.
3. Once redirected to the Illinois sign-in page, you can use that email address or uofi\:
Optional: If you want to turn off Focused Inbox, click "Filter" and uncheck "Show Focused Inbox." If you leave it on, remember to check under "Other" regularly for messages! (Can't find Focus Inbox? Try turning off the "New Outlook")
5. When finished, click the user icon, top-right, and choose "Sign Out." Wait for it to complete, then close the browser window.