Results: 21-30 of 30

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
21Illinois Campus Cluster Program on-demand offering704162022-02-074485
22Ordering - Computer Equipment - Ordering Dell Desktops and Laptops - e-Quotes652042021-09-264923
23BA4 - Budget Accountant - Recorded Trainings [Campus login required]1135572021-09-086
24BA4 - Budget Accountant - Reporting a Problem1128032021-08-032504
25BA4 - Budget Accountant - ACES Overview1088132021-02-024097
26Vacation (AVSL) - Administer - change list of managers1059562020-09-183219
27ACES Classrooms - where will campus loaner microphones work?1051202020-08-203165
28MediaSpace - give class roster access to Kaltura channel1051002020-08-193077
29ACES Email Lists - Manage subscribers749792020-05-143475
30Kaltura Media Space - Group Synchronization [Campus login required]1101442021-04-071
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