Results: 1-9 of 9

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1ACES Technology Services, Bevier Hall 358/362 (Food Labs)1413232024-08-28216
2ACES Technology Services, Early Child Development Laboratory 2061413342024-08-28253
3ACES Technology Services, Agriculture Bioprocess Lab 2011413282024-08-20168
4U of I Box - Sharing files - custom links, non-UofI people, restrictions, etc.756162023-01-126330
5Ordering - Computer Equipment - Ordering Dell Desktops and Laptops - e-Quotes652042021-09-264997
6ACES Admin - Purchasing Computers and Related Equipment1138242021-09-221868
7Desktops and Laptops - Windows - Re-activating Windows at Home652032021-03-234107
8Desktops and Laptops - Windows - Remote Desktop - Power Settings986602020-05-143303
9Desktops and Laptops - Windows - Restart Prompt from "Your IT department"1002462020-05-145087

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