User Testing Guide (University of Illinois)
The KB team has been developing a new document editing interface, and we would love your help testing it! Testing will be done in the “University of Illinois Demonstration” space in the KB Admin Tools.
Please be aware:
There will be no support or training available for the purpose of this test. This will help us gauge how intuitive the new interface is.
We will be focused on the overall editing screen, as opposed to just the “Body” field editor. While you will need to interact with the “Body” field, you don’t need to spend much time on it.
The new edit screen does not include updated attachment handling, so this section of the document edit screen is unchanged. We plan to explore improvements to this section in the future.
Most of the individual document settings have not been significantly changed. We plan to explore improvements to these in the future.
We recommend keeping notes as you are testing so you can paste them into the survey. Please also note any bugs or issues you may encounter.
Once you have finished your testing, please remember to fill out and submit our Qualtrics survey form—we look forward to hearing your feedback!
Getting Started
- Go to University of Illinois Demonstration group space in the KB Admin Tools. Select Create a New Doc [Beta] from the left-side navigation.
Open the Qualtrics feedback form. Fill out the initial questions, then proceed to the next page for more detailed question prompts. You will want to answer some of the questions as you are testing.
For each task below, consider the following questions:
Were you able to find the option or setting you were looking for?
Did anything happen that surprised you (good or bad)?
What did you like about the experience of completing each task?
What did you dislike or find challenging about the experience of completing each task?
On the new document creation screen, begin filling out the document as though you will be publishing it.
Note: Please include your name in the title of the document so that you can find it later.
Publish the document to the * UX Testing Sandbox site (internal and/or external).
Exit the document edit screen and locate your published document. Click Edit beta to re-open the new edit screen.
If you have previously authored KB documents in your own group space, think about what document fields and settings you use the most often.
Examples of optional but common settings include “campus access” restrictions, topics, “See also” documents, and page headings.
Modify the document content and/or settings as desired. Similarly, take the document through different stages of the workflow, e.g. previewing, submitting for review, publishing on a future date, etc.
When you are finished testing, please complete and submit the Qualtrics survey.