Create Security Group in Webtools Groups Tab
Step by Step instructions for creating a Security Group in Webtools
Security Groups in Webtools can be used to provide administrator privileges for an email created in Email+ or a Short URL. This will allow additional staff to be able to change a Short URL or copy a Sent email in the event the original staff member is no longer with the University.
To create a Security Group:
- Select Groups in the Webools menu
- You will start in the My Groups tab. This will show groups that you either created or have been made an Administrator. This list will include Email Groups, Opt-Out Groups, and Security Groups.
- Choose Create
- Select Webtools Access and Privileges as the Group Type
- Choose Create Group at the bottom.
- Give the Group a name, like Unit XX Security Group and enter an optional description
- Save the Group
- Choose Manage to add members to the Group. All members have the same privileges
- Choose Privilieges. In the Administrators section, click the drop down for the Groups and select this group. Choose Add Group
- Save the changes
This group can now be used to add as an Administrator to Short URLs and Emails created. It will allow anyone in the group to modify a Short URL or copy a Sent email. This avoids having Short URLs that can never be updated.