Adding a printer to your computer

How to add a printer to your computer using the Extension Printerlogic service.

Extension Printer Portal

Note: These instructions assume you are in an Extension or campus office and are connected to either a network cable or wifi (uie-uofi or IllinoisNet/UIUCnet). You may not be able to see the printers you are looking for if these conditions are not met.

1. In a web browser (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox recommended) go to the following url: or click the little printer icon with a green plus on it.

PL client

If you are prompted to install the browser extension click here.

If you are prompted for an Authentication code, click here.

2. Simply select the office which has the printer you would like to add and then click on the printer. You should receive a dialog stating the printer name and confirming that this is the printer you want to add. After hitting yes the printer installation process will begin. The page should look like the below example and have only your unit offices listed.

PL List

If you would like for the new printer to be the default print location check the "Set as default printer" checkbox.

PL Prompt
3. Once the installation is complete you should receive a confirmation message that the printer was installed successfully. Hit OK.

Install Successful
4. The printer should now be listed under Start > Control Panel > Devices and Printers

Installed Printer

Browser Extension

These instructions are only needed if you are given the prompt below to install the browser extension.  This should already be done on the majority of Extension computers.

Install Browser Extension
Once there select install the extension and accept any other prompts that come up.

Prompt to install Extension
Please re-enable the Chrome extension if you see this message below by clicking "Enable this item"
Enable Chrome Extension

printer printerlogic print 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Matthew A. in University of Illinois Extension KB
University of Illinois Extension KB