Outlook Online - Set an Automatic Reply

If you'll be out of the office, leaving the university, or otherwise want senders to receive an automated reply when they email, follow the quick guide below. This guide is specific to Outlook Online.

Sign in to your account in Outlook Online

Select the Settings (gear) icon, top-right

Choose "Automatic replies" from the menu

Change the toggle to the "On" position

(Optional) Set a specific date and time range for the reply to be sent

Compose your message

Save and close the Settings menu

Keywordsautoreply, "auto reply", "out of office", ooo, auto-reply, automatic, automated, email   Doc ID131953
OwnerAllison P.GroupUI Gies College of Business
Created2023-10-06 12:52:53Updated2023-10-06 12:58:00
SitesUI Gies College of Business
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