Gies LifeCycle Staff Computer Program

IT Partners @ Gies provides a standard set of computer equipment to every full-time Gies staff member. If you need something outside of the standard offerings, the Help Desk will work with your office/unit to purchase it. Note: we do not provide phones.

If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk at or 217-244-0812.


Staff members receive one computer to serve as their primary device. You may request a desktop or laptop under the LifeCycle Program. If the preferred option is not available, IT Partners will provide the other instead.

Most staff members receive a Windows-based Lenovo computer. However, staff with graphic design or video processing needs may request a Mac laptop or desktop. These requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


Staff are provided with up to two 24" widescreen monitors with adjustable-height stands. An alternative of a single 27" monitor is available for Mac users.


Staff receive a wireless keyboard or mouse. If wireless sets are not available, wired alternatives will be provided instead. If an ergonomic keyboard/mouse is required, please reach out to the Help Desk.

Staff receive a webcam upon request.

Staff receive a YubiKey 2FA hardware token upon request.

For laptops, a docking station is provided to connect to monitors, keyboard, mouse, and other peripherals.


At this time, IT Partners does not provide phones. Please visit Microsoft Teams, Recommended Phone Devices for Gies and work with your office/unit purchaser to receive a phone or headset.


At this time, IT Partners does not provide individual printers or copiers. Please work with your office/unit if you need a printer or access to an existing copier.

Office furniture or supplies

At this time, IT Partners does not provide office furniture or supplies such as standing desks, gel wrist rests, printer ink or paper, etc. Please work with your office/unit for these needs.

Part-time and student staff

Offices/units may work with the Help Desk to accommodate hourly and/or student staff computers out of existing spares or to create quotes to purchase more.

Work From Home/Hybrid

At this time, supplemental equipment for remote work (ex. a second dock or a third monitor) is not covered by the LifeCycle Program. Offices/units may work with the Help Desk on recommendations and quotes for supplemental equipment.

Keywordslifecycle, staff, "life cycle", laptop, desktop, computer, fulltime, FTE, equipment, workstation, dock, monitor, keyboard, mouse, webcam, phone, "2FA token", YubiKey, "hardware token"   Doc ID117673
OwnerAllison P.GroupUI Gies College of Business
Created2022-03-30 16:38:45Updated2024-02-12 11:20:16
SitesUI Gies College of Business
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