Gathering Interview Links from Spark Hire

This KnowledgeBase article provides step-by-step instructions for retrieving interview links from a collection of interviews in a Spark Hire job. The article includes guidance on accessing the platform, navigating to the desired job, and extracting the interview links.

Follow these step-by-step instructions for retrieving individual interview links from a collection of interviews in Spark Hire. This article includes guidance on accessing the platform, navigating to the desired job (if needed), and extracting the interview links. 

  1. To begin, please login to Spark Hire.

    Spare Hire login

    You should have an email address and password that either you set up, or someone set up for you. Do not try to login with your NetID, as that account does not apply here. If you do not have login credentials, please reach out to

  2. Enter your email address, and click Continue.

  3. Enter your password on the next screen, and click Continue.

  4. You should be presented with a list of interviews for the job that you have been assigned to.

    Spark Hire list of interviews

    Note: If you see a list of jobs, then locate your job name and click the "View" button underneath it. Once you do this, you should see a list of interviews, like the view above. 

    Spark Hire View button

  5. Once you see the list of interviews, find the interview you need the link for. Click the View details icon. 

    Spark Hire View details button for interview

  6. On the View Interview page, click the "Share" tab. It may appear grayed out, but it will work. 

    Spark Hire Share tab

  7. Click the "Create basic share link" button. 

    Spark Hire basic share button

  8. When asked if you want to protect the share link, choose "No". 

    Spark Hire respond No to protect link question

  9. On the resulting View Interview page, copy the Basic share link. 

    Spark Hire Basic share link

    You now have the link you need for FormBuilder. Paste this link into the appropriate FormBuilder view. 

This finishes the link capture process. If you need further assistance, please reach out to

spark sire interview links student 
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Owned by:
Kevin M. in UI Gies College of Business
UI Gies College of Business