GitHub Shared Service - How Do I Restrict Organization Access by IP Address

This page describes the process for restricting access to a University of Illinois GitHub organization based on the user's IP address.


It is possible to configure your University of Illinois GitHub organizations be accessed only from UI networks. By default, all GitHub organizations are accessible from any IP address. An IP restriction can provide additional protection against bad actors.

Action Steps

The steps below will guide organization owners on how to control which IP ranges are allowed to access their GitHub organization:

GitHub's Instructions on managing allowed IP addresses for your organization

Example of GitHub Organization's Authentication Security settings, restricting access to only allow specific IP campus ranges:

GitHub IP Range

Campus IP Range Reference

When defining which IP ranges should be allowed to access your GitHub Organization, please refer to the link below:

Guide to University of Illinois IP Spaces

If you have any questions on which IP range to use, you might want to contact your department's networking IT Professional.

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AITS GitHub Support in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System