VPN, CISCO Secure Client or AnyConnect, Installation Instructions Splash Page

Where can I find installation instructions for the VPN?

Technology Services has VPN installation and start-up instructions for a variety of devices. Please select the device you intend to run the VPN on below. 

Not all University services require VPN for off-campus access. The services that will require it will alert you if you attempt to connect without it.

Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

How to install: VPN, CISCO Secure Client, Installation Instructions for Windows 10, 11 

Mac OS 

How to install:  VPN, CISCO Secure Client, Installing Instructions for macOS 

Android, Kindle, Chromebook

How to install:  VPN, CISCO Secure Client-AnyConnect, Installing the Cisco AnyConnect VPN on Android, Kindle, Chromebook 

iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

How to install: VPN, CISCO Secure Client (formerly AnyConnect), Installing for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch 


How to install: VPN, CISCO AnyConnect, Linux 


Please note that Technology Services cannot guarantee VPN compatibility with these machines

How to install  VPN, CISCO AnyConnect, VPN Clients for Other Systems 

For other questions, see:  VPN, Frequently Asked Questions 

Questions can be directed to consult@illinois.edu.

KeywordsVPN, webstore, remote, covid, cisco, work from home, how to gateway   Doc ID98773
OwnerNetwork E.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2020-03-12 12:56:32Updated2024-03-06 10:35:12
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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