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eLearning: Canvas Best Practices

This document outlines the 7 best practices to prepare your Canvas course for teaching.
  1. Set a Home page

    • When students access your course site, this is the first page they see. Make sure that it conveys the most relevant and up-to-date information. If you want to change this view, please follow these instructions: How do I change the Course Home Page?
      Home Page Options
      Recommended Not Recommended
      • Course Modules (default) - shows all of the activities by modules, however you organize them.
      • Pages (Home Page) - design your own home page to orient learners around the course with information about you, the course, grades, and links within the course. See Instructure's documentation on how to change pages: How do I set a Front Page in a course?.
      • Syllabus - a Canvas-specific item that you can edit with instructor information, policies, grade breakdowns, etc. It will also have a list of all the assignments.
      • Course Activity Stream - displays the most recent announcements, assignments, discussions, and more. This is a confusing view for students because it's difficult to navigate.
      • Assignments List - displays a running list of all of the assignments, quizzes, and forums. This is a confusing view for students because it's difficult to navigate.
  2. Make the Syllabus easy to find and keep it updated

    • Students reference the Syllabus throughout the semester to find instructor information, resources, grade breakdowns, a calendar of due-dates, and other relevant policies. Keep this information updated either on top of the Modules list, in the Home page, or in the Syllabus item. 
  3. Keep naming schemes generic 

    • When naming modules, include either the dates, week, or topic that you will be covering. Examples:
      • Week 1: August 26-30
      • Unit 1: Universal Design for Learning
    • When naming activities, make sure that they convey the information that you want students to know. You can also rename files after uploading them. Examples:
      • Week 1 Lab
      • Week 2 Handout
      • Week 3 Lecture Notes
      • Exam 1: October 13
    • Having a consistent naming convention makes navigation easier for students and clearly outlines what is expected of them.
  4. Set an organization structure

    • Standardize how the information is displayed to students, so that they can navigate your course without much trouble. This will also make modules and activities easy to find, replace, or update.
    • An example of an easily navigable module:
      An example of a good course set up, with naming schemes that tell students where to go.
    • An example of a not-easily navigable module:
      A bad example of a course layout where the names of activities don't reflect what students should do.
  5. Go over course settings

    • There are a lot of settings in Canvas that can change how your course functions, including adding an anonymous view. Thoroughly look through them, and see more options for extra features, like showcased below. 
      Red rectangle around the "fewer options" setting.
    • You can organize the items by clicking on Navigation and dragging the items around in the desired order.
      The Navigation feature allows you to move items around to display or hide from students, so only the relevant material is shown.
    • You can have Canvas automatically check links to make sure that they are not broken or redirecting to a resource that is no longer available. Go to Settings, click on Validate Links in Content, and then click on the button Restart Link Validation
  6. Check your Grades setup

  7. Seek out feedback from students

    • Consider having a mid-term survey assessing the course setup. Potential questions:
      • What is working well?
      • What could be improved?
      • How well are the materials organized on the Canvas course site?
      • Is anything unclear on the Canvas course site?
    • The end-of-semester ICES surveys are helpful, but a mid-term survey can provide feedback for improvement or what's working well, so that you can make updates before the semester is over.

You can also review the Canvas Ready checklist to get you started here: If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations, please reach out to us at or fill out our Canvas Support Form.

Keywordsgrade, module, teaching, students, organization, settings, home page, syllabus.   Doc ID129733
OwnerAnya K.GroupEngineering IT
Shared Services
Created2023-07-13 15:00:13Updated2024-07-30 13:39:26
SitesUniversity of Illinois Engineering IT
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