Topics Map > Instructional Services

eLearning: Grainger College of Engineering Presentation Recording Classrooms

Engineering IT provides lecture or event recording in several classrooms across the Grainger College of Engineering. This includes assisting in the design of rooms to enable them for recording, support of the equipment within recording-enabled rooms, and storage/hosting of the recordings for later viewing.

For Support Contact Engineering IT at 217-333-1313 or email 

Automated Recordings Using Mediaspace

Several General Assignment and department classrooms located within the Grainger College of Engineering offer lecture capture recordings using Kaltura/Mediaspace. Engineering IT can schedule recordings for all classrooms with recording capabilities. 

Schedule recordings:

Schedule a Recording for a Semester Length Course

Schedule a Recording for an Event

To schedule a non-recurring event recordings, email at least 24 hours prior to the event with the following information:

  • Event name
  • Building and room number
  • Day of event
  • Beginning and ending time of event recording

Please review our Grainger College of Engineering Guest Speaker & Special Event Checklist

Publish Recordings in Canvas

View the Kaltura Integration Guide to publish your recorded lecture within your Canvas course.

The table below indicates General Assignment and departmental classrooms within the Grainger College of Engineering with automated recording capabilities.

Grainger College of Engineering Lecture Capture Equipped Classrooms

General Assignment Classrooms

Departmental Classrooms

Technology Services provides and supports teaching and presentation equipment in general assignment classrooms. 

Call 217-244-7000 or email

For room reservations, contact the Office of the Registrar.

Complete list of GA lecture capture equipped classrooms.

Engineering IT provides and supports teaching and presentation equipment in department classrooms.

Call 217-333-1313 or email

For room reservations, contact the department administrative office.

Siebel Center for Computer Science (SIEBL)

1302 SIEBL
1304 SIEBL
1404 SIEBL

0216 SIEBL
0220 SIEBL
1214 SIEBL
2405 SIEBL

Digital Computer Lab (DCL) 1310 DCL
1320 DCL
Newmark Civil Engineering Bldg (NCEB)

1310 NCEB
1311 NCEB
2310 NCEB
2311 NCEB
2312 NCEB
3310 NCEB
Civil & Environmental Engineering Bldg (CEEB/HSL)

1017 HSL
2015 HSL
Coordinated Science Lab (CSL) B02 Auditorium
Engineering Hall (EH)

106B1 EH
106B3 EH
106B6 EH
106B8 EH

EH 403B2 (Studio A)
EH 410B1 (Studio B)
EH 410C1 (Studio C)

Transportation Building (TB)

101 TB
103 TB
112 TB
114 TB

Electrical & Computer Engineering Building (ECEB)
Ceramics Building (CB)

214 CB
218 CB

Material Science & Engineering Building (MSEB) 100 MSEB
119 MSEB
Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building (LuMEB)

2100 LuMEB
2200 LuMEB
3101 LuMEB

2045 LuMEB
2051 LuMEB
3100 LuMEB
4100 LuMEB

Loomis Laboratory (LMS) 141 LMS
144 LMS
151 LMS

Everitt Laboratory (EVRT)

1302 EVRT
1306 EVRT
2101 EVRT
2233 EVRT
2310 EVRT
3117 EVRT
3217 EVRT

0201 EVRT
0215 EVRT
1103 EVRT
3109 EVRT

Campus Instructional Facility (CIF)

0027/1025 CIF
2018 CIF
2035 CIF
3018 CIF
3031 CIF
3039 CIF

Lincoln Hall

1035 (Theater)

Related Articles: 

[Link for document 54449 is unavailable at this time]

lecture capture engineering media recordings Kaltura mediaspace classrooms technology
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Melissa W. in Engineering IT
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University of Illinois Engineering IT