Topics Map > Printer Services
Topics Map > User Services
How to add an Engineering printer on Windows
For an overview of printing at the Engineering College or instructions for non-Windows operating systems, see Engineering College Printing.
Video Tutorial
Step-by-step, with screenshots
- Open your Start menu, type in the following address and hit Enter: \\\
- If you are not logged into Windows with your UOFI domain account, you may be asked for your credentials
- Enter your NetId and NetID's password (make sure to put 'UOFI\' before your netid).
- Check the 'Remember my credentials' box, or your printers may fail to work after a reboot.
- A window should open listing printers across campus.
- Select an appropriate printer and double click it.
- A driver will download automatically. You may have to confirm that you wish to install the driver.
If you have changed your NetID password recently, or if you are using a non domain joined machine (i.e. a machine not joined to the UOFI domain such as a personal laptop), there is a possibility that a wrong or an old password is still cached in Credential Manager and it is using that password to print. You can clear that by following these steps:
- Launch Credential Manager from the Start Menu
- Click on "Windows Credentials"
- Look for an entry including "engr-print-01" by using the search bar on top right of the window.
- Click on it and then remove it.

After removing the entry, try printing again. When you print, it should ask you for your username and password. Remember to enter your NetID credentials (not a local computer account password), and tick the box to have it remember your new credentials. If you change your password in the future, you may need to perform this procedure again.
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