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How to configure Remote Desktop to use the UIUC Remote Desktop Gateway


Follow this guide to configure Remote Desktop to use the UIUC Remote Desktop Gateway.
For security reasons, the University's Office of Privacy and Information Security has closed direct Remote Desktop access (port 3389) to campus from off-campus networks.
To Remote Desktop from off-campus to your on-campus Windows computer, the recommended solution is to configure your local computer to use the campus Remote Desktop Gateway. Follow the instructions below to configure the Microsoft Remote Desktop app on your local computer to use the campus Remote Desktop Gateway.
Instructions for Windows and macOS are provided. The steps will be similar for Remote Desktop apps on other operating systems, such as graphical Linux, Android and iOS, especially when using the official Microsoft Remote Desktop app for that operating system.
As a backup alternative you can use the VPN instead. Do not use both the VPN and the Remote Desktop Gateway at the same time.

On a Windows operating system

example from Windows 10
1) Open the Remote Desktop app.
Search for Remote Desktop Connection app
2) Click the "Advanced" tab, then click the "Settings..." button.
        a) You may have to expand the window using the "Show Options" button.
Select Show Options in the bottom left
Navigate to the Advanced tab and select 'Settings'
3) Configure the settings as shown below.
a) Select the "Use these RD Gateway server settings" radio button
b) Enter "" into the "Server name:" field
c) Check the box that says "Use my RD Gateway credentials for the remote computer
        i) If you log into your on-campus computer with a local account (not sync'd with your NetID), then uncheck this box instead.
Configure the settings dialog box as displayed.
4) On the "General" tab, click the "Save" button under the "Connection Settings" section.
Navigate to the General tab and select Save
5) Input your username as UOFI\NetID and connect as you normally would.

On a Mac(intosh) operating system (macOS)

example from OSX 10.15.3 (Catalina)
2) Click the Gear Icon and "Preferences" button and select the "Gateway" tab.
3) Click the "+" button at the bottom of the window.
4) Configure the settings as shown below, you can then click on the User Account section to add your user account as UOFI\NetID (as shown in the next picture).
Note: These credentials are for the Remote Desktop Gateway server and must be your NetID. If you use a different account to log into the remote computer, you will enter that later.
Configure the Gateways tab as displayed
Input your campus credentials
5) Now add (or edit your existing) Desktop connection(s) and configure it to use your newly configured gateway. You can click on the pencil icon to edit an existing connection. Select the Gateway you created in "Gateway:".
Add or edit your desktop connection
Configure the connection as displayed.
6) Connect as you normally would.

remote desktop rdp gateway settings "rd gateway" "remote desktop" 
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Masaharu Y. in Engineering IT
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University of Illinois Engineering IT, University of Illinois Technology Services