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ATLAS Gradebook - Adding sections to course term

Learn how to add a section to a course term in ATLAS Gradebook.
ATLAS Gradebook uses active section information from Banner to provide you with choices to select, as opposed to time consuming manual entry!

Let's add a section to an existing Course Term to get a feel for the process. 

Start by opening up the Course Term Details screen, shown below and select the Sections option.

From there, we'll see a table where the sections we add to this Course Term will display. 

Before we look at this screen -- here's something important to remember. 

Even though this Course Term has no sections currently added, a section named Dropped Students already exists. 

In ATLAS Gradebook, scores and grades are attached to the Student profile, not the Course Term or Section. 

So, anybody that drops will go into the Dropped Students section with all of their scores attached to their profile. If they rejoin the Course Term, their scores will come back with them. 

hit the add section button

To add a new section, just click the Add Section button. 

Once selected, you'll see the following screen:

select desired sections

These possible active sections pull directly from campus data, so we don't need to individually enter our sections!

Select the sections that you wish to add to your Course Term. 

See them selected below:

hit add sections button

Now that we've selected the sections we wish to add, hit the Add Sections button to confirm your selections. 

The Add Sections button will direct us back to the Section table for the Course Term. 

hit update roster button

We can see the Sections that we added to our Course Term now appear in the table!

There are also a couple more things to consider:
  1. Though the student roster updates automatically on a nightly basis, you can manually update your roster in real time by pressing the Update Roster button. Our information for the Update Roster option comes from the Electronic Data Warehouse, which updates nightly from campus data, displaying information from Banner as it existed the day before the nightly update. As a result, a student could be officially in Banner for the course but not display in the ATLAS Gradebook until two days later - even after Update Roster is selected. 
  2. If you wish at any time to delete a section, simply hit the Remove button. When removing sections keep in mind that the Dropped Students section is a permanent category and can't be removed

ATLAS Gradebook, course term  
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Todd R. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences