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FormBuilder - Lifecycle - Editing Periods

This document explains how to edit a Period in FormBuilder.

Periods allow users to edit dates for the form, set maximums for registrants, and enable waitlists.  Event sessions can also be tied to periods.  To edit sessions, please see Edit Event Sessions.

1. From the dashboard of the form, select Periods under the Data Collection and Form Lifecycle section.  

dashboard select period

2. Click Edit to the left of the period name.

edit period

3. Edit any of the period fields.  Click Save when all changes are complete.

Period Name

Name: This is the period name and will display on the initial registration button of the form.  Example:  Fill out form for FY19 Awards & Scholarships



Description: A description of the period.

Start Date:  Set a start date for the period to become active.

End Date:  Set a date for the period to become inactive or closed. If someone tries to access a form where no period is active, they will receive a No Forms Available message.  See also No Forms Available.

Enabled:  Check this box to enable the period.  If you have multiple periods, make sure the one you want to be current is checked as Enabled.

User can create multiple forms in a period:  This allows users to submit multiple forms in the same period.  If you only want users to be able to submit a single form (if authentication is on the form), uncheck this box.

Enable Wait list: Checking this box will enable the waitlist which will allow users to register even if the period is full.  The waitlist can only be used if there is a capacity on the period, and not for capacities on sessions within a period.

Users would be contacted when a registration slot has become available.  Several waitlist options are available:  


  • Automatically register the next person on the list:  This will automatically register a waitlisted registrant when a slot becomes available.
  • Automatically notify the next person on the waitlist that they are eligible to register.  If this is selected, an email option will appear to allow you to customize a waitlist email.  Enter information in the fields and click Save (see screen below).
  • Do Nothing.  This will allow the administrator to manage the waitlist.

waitlist email option

Maximum Registrants:  This allows you to set a maximum number of registrants for the period.

Merge sample values into fields:  This allows you to use text merge fields to edit content.

If you have any questions, contact AITS FormBuilder at

Keywordsdate, waitlist, start, end, maximum, registrants, sessions, Event, capacity, AITS   Doc ID56385
OwnerAITS Business Process AutomationGroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2015-09-15 16:56:26Updated2024-07-02 15:10:48
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois System
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