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ATLAS Web Framework - Career Path Items
How to add a Career Path to a Drupal page.
Career paths are presented to the user as icons that show up in a shaded bar on the main. They can be used to highlight different careers available to students, different aspects of career planning, or for any other use that would benefit from their icon based display. Clicking an icon will take the user to a page with more details about the item.
Career Paths bar
Adding a New Career Path
You must be logged in as an Editor role or higher to add Career Paths
- Under the Manage menu at the top of your page, click the Content option
- Click the blue + Add Content button just below the content heading
- Click Career Path on the list of available Content Types.
- Complete the following fields
- Title - The title will appear under the icon in the career paths bar and at the top of your page in large text. The title in particular will also be picked up by Search Engines so choose a title that accurately describes your page.
- Body - The body is basically the rest of the page. You can use the format toolbar to add bullets, tables, images, links, and files as well as basic formatting. For more information about formatting body content, see the Text Formatting in Drupal page.
- Icon - The icon is the image that will show up on the Career Paths bar on the department homepage. If you don't find an appropriate icon in the list, contact to see if we can create a new icon for you.
- Order - The order sets this career path's place in the Career Paths bar, with the lower numbers farthest to the left . There is a maximum of 6 icons on the front page.
Example Career Page