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LAS Framework - Footer Information
How to Edit Footer Information in Drupal
For sites on the updated Illinois Framework, contact to update footer contact information.
For sites on the legacy LAS framework, footer Information will appear at the bottom of each page on your site and is generally used for contact information.
Editing Footer information
You must be logged in as an Editor role or higher to edit the Footer information
- Scroll to the bottom of any webpage.
- Click the Edit Footer Information link below the contact information. This link is only visible if you are logged in
- Complete the following fields
- Title - The Title will appear in the footer just above the other information in a bolded font.
- Body - The Body is the contact information that will show on the left of the site footer. You can use the format toolbar to add bullets, tables, images, links, and files as well as basic formatting. Because this will be on every page, be judicious in using images and files. For more information about formatting body content, see the Text Formatting in Drupal page.
- Click the Save button to save your changes
Example Footer