Topics Map > ATLAS Applications > ATLAS Formbuilder

FormBuilder - Homepage

A collection of tutorials to improve practical understanding of the ATLAS FormBuilder.

Getting Started

FormBuilder - What is FormBuilder? 
Before you begin...
ATLAS requires that all forms for the college of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) have a designated form owner within the department or unit that is responsible for the form. The establishment of a form owner must occur before ATLAS will assist with any FormBuilder-related efforts. Learn more at the tutorial linked below:

How to Use FormBuilder

Form Groups

Form Settings

Form Phases

Form Questions

Text Merge

Form Responses



Keywordsformbuilder, forms, business process, workflow, custom application, homepage, tutorials, troubleshooting, help   Doc ID74378
OwnerTodd R.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2017-06-28 13:06:54Updated2024-06-17 14:29:30
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
Feedback  7   3