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ATLAS FormBuilder - Adding a User to a Security Group

How to add user(s) to a form group's security group in the FormBuilder application.

To access Formbuilder, proceed to this link:  
For a video tutorial on how to add a user to a security group, check out the video below.

Step 1 - From anywhere within your desired form group, click on the hamburger menu icon at the top left of the page to open the navigation menu, and select Security Groups. Alternatively, navigate to your desired form group's home page and select Security Groups.

A page of FormBuilder with the left-side navigation menu open. The "Security Groups" option is highlighted.

The "Form Group Home" page of a form group. The "Security Groups" option is highlighted.

Step 2 - Locate the security group you'd like to add a member to, and type the new member's NetID, or the Group Name of the group you're adding into the box at the bottom of the security group.

The "Security Groups" page of a form group. The field for entering a new user NetID or group name into a security group is highlighted.

If a red warning icon appears to the left of the box, the NetID or Group Name either does not exist or has been entered incorrectly.

The new user/group name entry field under a security group, with a red warning icon next to the field that indicates an invalid entry.

Step 3 - Specify the campus that the user account or group is associated with (UIUC, System Offices, UIC, or UIS) using the dropdown menu. 

The "Security Groups" page of a form group. The field for selecting the campus database against which to check an entered member name is highlighted.

Step 4 - Once the new user or group's information has been entered, click the green "+" button or press the Return key to add them to the security group.

The "Security Groups" page of a form group. The green plus-shaped button that adds a valid member to a security group is highlighted.

Upon a successful addition, a small temporary notification will appear at the bottom of the page displaying the email of the user or group that has been added.

The message that displays when a new member is successfully added to a security group.

You should then be able to see your new user or group displayed in the table of security group members!

The "Security Groups" page of a form group. A newly-added member is displayed in the the first security group listed.

For more tutorials on ATLAS FormBuilder, visit FormBuilder - Homepage.

security group, user, group, security, add, user, users, permission, permissions, form, form group, formbuilder, atlas, administrator 
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Cindy V. in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences