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Learn@Illinois Moodle - Creating a Category (Folder) to Organize your Gradebook
Learn how to create a category (folder icon) to organize your gradebook. For example, you can sort by activity type (e.g., quizzes, assignments), modules (e.g., Module 1, Module 2), to drop the lowest grades of a set of activities, and/or to create categories with different weights (e.g., make quizzes 15% of the grade).
For a permanent link to this information, please use:
- At the top of your course homepage, click the Grades tab.
- Expand the drop-down menu (most likely named Grader report, but this will depend on what gradebook page you last navigated to) and select Gradebook setup.
- At the top of the page, and click the Add category button.
- Enter the name of your category.
- In the "Aggregation" drop-down menu, select the desired aggregation type.
- For points gradebooks, select "Natural (Sum of Grades)".
- For percentage gradebooks, select either "Simple weighted mean of grades," "Mean of Grades," or "Weighted mean of grades," depending on your needs.
(Note: If varying point values correspond to desired weights, select "Simple weighted mean of grades.")
- At the top of your course homepage, click the Grades tab.
- For percentage gradebooks, expand the "Category total" section and enter a "Maximum grade" equal to the percentage the category is worth in the course (e.g., enter 20 if your category is worth 20% of the final grade).
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save changes button.
- Move the appropriate activities (in this example, all quizzes) into the category.
- For percentage gradebooks, expand the "Category total" section and enter a "Maximum grade" equal to the percentage the category is worth in the course (e.g., enter 20 if your category is worth 20% of the final grade).