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ATLAS FormBuilder - How to Add a New Form Period
This document explains how to add a new form period - The timeframe for when a form is available.
For a video tutorial, check out:
Step 1 - Navigate to your form 'Dashboard'
Step 2 - Click 'Periods' under Data Collection and Form Lifecycle
Step 3 - Click '+Add New Period'
Step 4 - Give a name to the period, Give a description of the period, Add a Start Date and/or End Date for your form.
From this screen you can also allow users to complete multiple forms within a single period. If this box is left unchecked, the user will be able to fill out only one form and will receive a "No Forms Available" message if they try to access the form again.
NOTE: If a user tries to access the form before the start date or after the end date they will receive a "No Forms Available" error message.
Step 5 - To set the new period as current, click the settings gear and select 'Set as current' in the drop down menu
Remember to Save!
Happy FormBuilding