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ATLAS VacSick - Add Leave Viewer
Learn how to add a 'Leave Viewer' in the ATLAS VacSick application.
In ATLAS VacSick, users that are not involved in the approval process can still be granted permission to view the leave of another employee. This permission can only be given by administrative users, so users will need to reach out to their VacSick administrator to receive this permission.
Log in to the ATLAS VacSick application, and complete the following steps to add a 'Leave Viewer.'
1) To begin, select the 'Administration' navigation item. From there, select 'Manage Leave Viewers' from the drop-down menu options.

2) In the 'Manage Leave Viewers' area - select the 'Add New' option.

3) Enter a valid netID and select the '+' icon in the right of the row. (A valid netID will show the user's name and the left side of the entry field will turn green).

4) Now that the 'Leave Viewer' has been added, we'll need to add some users to their leave viewing list. You may either select an entire VacSick 'Group,' or you may select an individual user. Select the desired leave viewers from the drop-down, and hit the corresponding green 'Add' button.

5) Once you add an employee for your new leave viewer to view leave for - you will get a couple of options. The leave viewer may be granted permission to "View Leave Type" (vacation or sick), and they may be granted permission to "View Notes" (the ones filled out by the employee as they enter their individual leave dates. Both of these are optional, and are in no way required. If neither is selected, the leave viewer will just see that the employee took leave and nothing more. Hit 'Save' once the checkbox decisions have been made.

6) Once 'Save' is selected above, we now see the new employee in the table for the leave viewer.

Repeat this process as many times as needed for a given leave viewer.
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