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ATLAS FormBuilder - Making a Copy of a Form

This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide of how to make a copy of a form.
For a video tutorial, check out:  

Making a copy of a form can serve several purposes.

A copy of a form can be made in order to back up the progress you have made, or in order to create a new version of a form while keeping the old version saved. This process can also be used to move a form between FormBuilder environments, such as from the test environment to the production environment. 

Step 1 - From anywhere within the form group that holds your desired form, click the hamburger menu icon at the top left of the page to open the navigation menu, and select Forms.

Alternatively, navigate to the form group's home page and select Forms.

Step 2 - From the Forms page of your form group, locate the form you wish to copy, and click the blue gear icon next to it.

A menu will expand from the icon. Select copy form from the available options.

Step 3 - A new pop-up window will open, and a download for a file of type ".fbf" should begin. This is a file that contains your form's copied data. If the download does not begin automatically, some help text that includes a manual download hyperlink will appear at the bottom of the window after a short time.

After your download is complete, you can close the window by clicking the "X" at the top right, or by clicking the Close button at the bottom right.

Step 4 - Navigate to the form group you wish to copy into, and select Paste A Copied Form at the bottom-left of the page.

Step 5 - Another pop-up window will open. Click the Choose File button, and select your downloaded .fbf file from the dialog box that appears. Check that the file listed next to Select Form File is correct, and click the Paste Form button once you are finished.

Step 5a - If you are attempting to paste your copied form into a form group that already contains a form with the same name, you will be prompted to rename the new copy of the form. By default, the New Form Name field will contain the name "{Original Form Name} - Copied." You may modify this text box to whatever name you choose.

Once you have finished, click the Paste Form button at the bottom of the window once again.

Step 5b - If your copied form utilizes any security groups, and you are attempting to paste it into a form group other than its original form group, you will be prompted to choose names for each of that form's security groups, so that they may be brought into the new form group.

Using the Map to Group dropdown fields next to each pasted security group, you can choose to map your form's security groups onto any of the existing security groups within the form group, or you can select the --Create New Group--  option to map the copied security group data onto a brand new group.

If --Create New Group-- is selected, a text box will appear below the Map to Group dropdown menu, populated with a default name for your new security group. You may modify this to whatever name you please.

No matter how you choose to map your form's security groups, once you have finished, click Paste Form to continue.

Step 6 - After you have finished with any required prompts, the form will be pasted into your chosen form group, and you will be brought to the dashboard of your new form.

For more information like this, check out: ATLAS FormBuilder - How to Copy and Paste a Question and ATLAS FormBuilder - Making a Copy of a Security Group.

Keywordsatlas, formbuilder, support, form, copy, paste, duplicate, option, new, version, backup file, save, replicate, edit, properties, title   Doc ID82235
OwnerBeckett A.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2018-05-14 12:07:30Updated2024-10-16 09:08:27
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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