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ATLAS Time Card - How to Add a New Unofficial Position
This tutorial will walk you through how to add a new unofficial position.
In ATLAS Time Card, you have two options when adding a position.
1) Official Position
When you enter the netID of the employee that you'd like to associate with a position, the application searches campus data to determine if the employee has any existing official hourly positions. The official position is comprised of the position number followed by the job suffix for this specific employee.
2) Unofficial Position
The unofficial positions is for employees that you would like to track their time, but they have no existing position in an official capacity with the university. This could be an unpaid intern or a student worker for example.
Follow the steps below to learn how to add an unofficial position to a Unit Group in ATLAS Time Card.

2.) On the Positions page, click the green 'Add Position' button.

3.) Type in the netID of the employee you want to add and their name should appear in green on the left. Hit 'Enter' or click the '+' button.

4.) Next, select 'Unofficial Position.'
If the employee that you entered has no official positions, the 'Unofficial Position' option will be the only one available to you.
Also select the Unit Group from the drop down menu.

5.) Type in the Position Name.
The position name is just used in the application to more easily identify and organize positions for administrators and for employees to be sure they are clocking in at the correct job.
Once you are done, click the green 'Save New Position' button.

6.) You will be brought back to the Positions page and you should see the employee listed.

See other tutorials for ATLAS Time Card: