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Learn@Illinois Moodle - Moodle 4.1 FAQ

Learn about some of our most frequently asked questions from the update to Moodle 4.1.

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Q: Where is the Course Request button? Where is the Quickmail block?

A: The Course Request block can now be found in the collapsible block drawer on the right-hand side of the Dashboard. It can also be accessed directly at Similarly, the Quickmail block is in the block drawer within courses.

gif that shows the location of the course request block in the righthand block drawerthe quickmail block in the collapsible block drawer in courses

Q: Some of my courses are missing from the Dashboard!

A: If you are missing any courses from your Course Overview block on the Dashboard, try setting the filter to All. If there are still some missing, ensure that you have not removed them from view.

gif of the course overview block on the dashboard

Q: Can students see hidden sections in the index?

A: If you hide a section/tab in your course and the following setting in Course Settings is set to "Hidden sections are shown as not available," the names of the hidden sections will be grayed out in the tabs and the index on the left-hand side, and students will not be able to see any content within them. If you set this setting to "Hidden sections are completely invisible," students will not see the name or the content in the tabs or the index.

Note: this is a disparity we have noticed when viewing your course in student view; it will appear as though students can see the names of the hidden sections in the index even with the proper setting enabled.

settings for hidden sections

Q: How can I move content around in my course?

A: To reorder tabs and move content within and between tabs, you can easily drag and drop items in the index. Any changes made in the index will apply to the main content area. To move content between tabs directly from the main content area, you can use the Mass Actions block as before.

gif of dragging and dropping items in the course index

Q: How can I display the content of the first tab above the rest of the tabs?

A: The first tab (referred to as General or Section 0 unless you have renamed it) can be displayed above the rest of your tabs by going to Course Settings and setting "Visualization mode of section 0" to be "before the tabs." This can also remove the tab if you don't have any content in it.

how to have the content of the first tab display above the others

Q: Where are labels? Where is the HTML block?

A: Labels are now called Text and media area; the HTML block is now called the Text block.

Text and media area icon

Q: Where do I find features that used to be in the gear menus?

A: The location of items that used to be in the gear menus are now in different drop-down menus; for example, groups on the Participants page, and the import, backup, and restore functions which are now grouped under Course reuse from the More drop-down menu on the main course page.

where to find groups in the participants pageCourse import, backup, and restore functions are now grouped under course reuse

Keywordscourse request, block, dashboard, drawer, index, courses, course overview, hidden, section, drag and drop, reorder, label, text and media area, groups, import, backup, restore, course reuse   Doc ID123422
OwnerATLAS-TLTGroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2023-01-13 13:11:32Updated2023-01-18 10:41:38
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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