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ATLAS FormBuilder - Edit Form Group Information: Group Name/Testing Email/Contact Information

This document explains how form group information can be edited by FormBuilder Unit Administrators.

Several attributes of a form group are editable by the unit administrators for the unit that form group resides in.

To edit a form group's attributes as a unit administrator, first navigate to your unit's Form Groups page, and locate the form group you wish to edit from the list.

The "Form Groups" page of a unit. The button to open the settings menu of one of the listed form groups has been highlighted.

Click the gear icon next to the form group, and select edit form group from the dropdown list.

The opened settings menu of a form group. The computer mouse is hovering over the "edit form group" option.

A pop-up window will appear, containing an assortment of options related to the form group.

Editable fields within the window are as follows:

  1. Group Name - The name associated with the form group.
    • BE AWARE: Changing a form group's name will alter the URL for all forms under the form group unless the URL Group Name has been given a custom name.

  2. URL Group Name - The name used in the root path of the form's URL. By default, it will always be the same as the Group Name. If it is given a customized name, it will no longer update automatically to match the Group Name. This should not be changed once forms have been deployed within the given form group, as it will affect all form URLs within the form group.

  3. Testing Email Address - The email address all outgoing form notification emails are directed to by default while a given form in the form group is in "Test" mode.

  4. Contact Information - The information populated in this markup section will be displayed in the footer of each page for all forms under the form group.

  5. Campus Name - The University of Illinois campus the form group is associated with. This field governs which campus link is displayed on the header of each page for all forms under the form group.

  6. Campus URL - The URL displayed in the header of all forms in the form group, alongside the campus information. Defaults to the link associated with the chosen Campus Name.

  7. Active - Checkbox that determines whether a form is active or inactive.
    • BE AWARE: Unchecking this checkbox and setting your form as inactive will make it disappear from the list of form groups. To find it again, the checkbox on the unit's Form Groups page labeled Show Inactive Form Groups must be checked.

  8. Allow these Person Attributes - A series of checkboxes that allow different categories of Person Attributes to be made available or unavailable for selection for all forms under the form group.
    • NOTE: If a category of Person Attribute is made unavailable, no forms that utilize any Person Attributes from that category can be pasted into the form group.

Once you have finished making edits, click the button labeled Save at the bottom of the window. If you want to exit the window without saving, click the "X" at the top-right, or the button labeled Cancel in the bottom-right.

The "Edit Form Group" window of a form group.

For more FormBuilder tutorials, visit FormBuilder - Homepage.

Keywordsfooter, campus, Unit Administrator, ATLAS, formbuilder, form group edits, group information, form, group, form group, name, group name, testing, email, contact, contact information, contact info,   Doc ID137511
OwnerBeckett A.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2024-05-24 10:27:32Updated2024-10-16 15:12:29
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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