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ATLAS FormBuilder - Routing Actions Explained

This tutorial highlights the various settings associated with routing actions, a component of routing triggers in the ATLAS FormBuilder application.

Routing triggers are capable of performing several different types of form-related tasks, known as routing actions, once their trigger conditions have been met. A single routing trigger can perform multiple routing actions, and these actions can all be of different types.

To edit a routing trigger's routing actions, first navigate to the desired routing trigger's settings page, or create a new routing trigger. For more information on how to accomplish this, visit ATLAS FormBuilder - Adding and Editing Routing Triggers.

Once on your trigger's settings page, locate the Routing Actions section. Click on the Edit button (1) next to an existing routing action to edit it, or click the  Add Routing Action button (2) at the top of the section to create a new routing action.

Clicking either button will open the Edit Routing Action window, which allows the user to choose the routing action's type and modify its settings. The options for routing action types are as follows:

  • Change Phase: Changes from the current phase to another phase, which can be selected from a dropdown list.

  • Send Email: Sends out a custom email message. Selecting this option opens the Email Composer, which allows for the customization of the email's various fields, such as who the message is sent to, who is copied on the message, and the subject line and body of the message.

    Files can also be attached to email messages in the Composer, as can the form's own PDF reports. Attached PDF reports can be named as desired. For more information on making PDF reports in FormBuilder, visit ATLAS FormBuilder - Export form response data as PDF.

    Each field in the Email Composer is compatible with FormBuilder's text merge system, and the form's available text merge options are presented to the right of the Composer window. For more information on text merge in FormBuilder, visit ATLAS FormBuilder - Text merge fields.

  • Set Question Value: Sets the value of one of the form's questions, which can be selected from the an initial dropdown list. A second dropdown list, titled To, contains a number of options that determine how the value of the selected question should be set.

    The available options for the To field are as follows:

    • an explicit value - Sets the value of the question to the value provided in the Value field. The form's text merge field options are available for this selection.

    • the value of another question - Sets the value of the question to the same value as one of the form's other questions, which can be selected from another dropdown menu.

    • clear value - Deletes the currently-held value of the question and sets it to a blank value.

  • Fire Webhook: Sends out a custom webhook using FormBuilder's web service. Similar to the Email Composer, selecting this option provides several different fields that determine the nature and outcome of the webhook.

    The Url field is compatible with the form's text merge field options, which are provided on the right side of the window.

    A preview of the webhook is available at the bottom of the window.

For more instructional documentation on FormBuilder, visit FormBuilder - Homepage.

Keywordsatlas formbuilder, form, lifecycle, routing trigger, routing action, routing, trigger, action, phase, email, question, value, webhook, registration, application, app   Doc ID138953
OwnerBeckett A.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2024-08-06 15:52:00Updated2024-10-16 09:16:59
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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