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ATLAS Exam Attendance & ATLAS Event Attendance - Programming IDTech Card Readers for Exam Attendance & Event Attendance

Card readers from idtech must first be programmed to extract only the UIN from icards when used with the exam attendance app.

ID Tech Omni Card Reader: WCR3237-512U

This reader uses the OMNI USB KB Utility -- for which you may reach out to for access.

Run the installer, then open the application.

The application will prompt you to connect your card reader:

The main omni programming utility screen

After this, you should select the file you wish to send. 

A screenshot highlighting the button that should be chosen to select a programming file.

These files are in the project's /source/scanner/scripts directory.

There are two files.  One will factory reset the card reader, which is useful if you are not sure of the state that your reader is in.  The second, skip_6_send_next_9_with_enter.txt, will program the reader to extract the UIN from the second track of the card.  Select the file you wish, and the application will then program the device.  It will send commands one-by-one and you will hear a beep from the device each time a command is sent. 

Omni scanner file selection dialog showing which files are available to send to the card reader.

When finished, you will see a message box informing you of this.

Omni reader programming utility showing a dialog indicating that programming of the device is complete.

ID Tech MiniMag II MagStripe Reader: IDMB-334133B

This reader uses the MagSwipe Configuration utility, which is available in the project's /source/scanner/ file.  Run the installer, then open the application.

The application will  open a selection screen.  Choose the "Change Basic Reader Settings" menu item.

Minimag utility screenshot indicating which function should be selected from the menu.

After this, you will need to load the configuration file for the device.  Select "Load from File".

Screenshot showing which button should be pressed to load the configuration file.

Select the minimag2_magswipe_read_uin.cfs2 file from the project's /source/scanner/scripts directory.

Screenshot showing which file should be selected to program the device.

The application will tell you it has loaded the file successfully.  This does not mean that the reader has been programmed yet.

Screenshot showing a confirmation box indicating that the file has been loaded, but the card reader has not yet been programmed.

Click on the Send to MSR button to program the device.

Screenshot showing that the reader has been programmed.

Keywordsidtech card swipe reader program minimag omni   Doc ID69585
OwnerTim S.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2016-12-19 16:21:00Updated2024-06-17 16:24:58
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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