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ATLAS Exam Attendance - associate existing course to an official campus course
In ATLAS Exam Attendance, exam session rosters can automatically populate with current campus roster dataenabling course term administrators to select a single section, multiple sections, or the entire course roster when generating the roster for their exam session. To do so, you must first associate your Exam Attendance course with an official campus course. If you have an existing course in the Exam Attendance application and don't have this roster option, your Unit Administrator will need to follow the steps below to associate your Exam Attendance course with an existing campus course. If you don't know who your Unit Administrator is, view the ATLAS Exam Attendance - Active units and unit administrator contact info tutorial. |
When adding an exam session, if you're seeing the image that is displaying below - your course in ATLAS Exam Attendance is not associated with an official campus course.
The Unit Administrator for the course will need to associate the course by following the steps below.
1) In the Courses area of the ATLAS Exam Attendance application, scroll to the Courses table, and select the 'Edit' option next to the desired course (pictured below).
2) Notice in the photo below that the Exam Attendance course we are editing has no associated Campus Course selected from the drop down.
3) Clicking the drop down selector beneath the Campus Course heading, select the appropriate Campus Course to associate with your ATLAS Exam Attendance course (pictured below).
4) We can see in the image below that the Campus Course we'd like to associate with our ATLAS Exam Attendance course is selected. Hit 'Save' to finalize your update.
View more tutorials on the ATLAS Exam Attendance - Homepage.