Topics Map > Learn@Illinois

Learn@Illinois Moodle - Student Help

Having trouble with your Moodle course site? We are here to help. If you don't find what you are looking for here, scroll down to the bottom of the page for other ways to get help.
For a permanent link to this information, please use:
Note: Always check to see if your course has a "General Q & A" forum. If your question has not already been answered there, post your question in the forum so that everyone in your course will be aware of the issue.

How do I...?

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Not what you're looking for? Try searching our help documentation in the LAS KnowledgeBase.

Please also feel free to contact us or visit our office.

grades, homework, grading, view, viewing, password, profile, dashboard, email, notification, notifications, media, space, audio, video, record, recording, i>clicker, clicker, iclicker, app, wiki, text, editor, questions, question, problems, problem, issues, issue, FAQ, how to, how-to 
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ATLAS-TLT in University of Illinois LAS
University of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences