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Event Attendance - How to Edit a Group Name

This tutorial will show how to edit a group name.
1.) Navigate to the Unit Administration tab and click the link for 'Unit Groups.' 
The "Unit Administration" page of Event Attendance. The "Unit Administration" option on the left navigation bar is highlighted, as is the "Unit Groups" link in the center of the page.
2.) Locate the Group you want to edit and click the drop down menu with a gear icon. Then click the 'Edit' button. 
The "Unit Group Administration" page of Event Attendance. One of the unit groups listed on the page has had its settings menu opened. This menu is highlighted, and an arrow is pointing to the "Edit" option.
3.) Type in the new Group Name and click the green 'Update Group' button. 
The "Edit" page of a unit group in Event Attendance. The only available field, "Group Name," has been highlighted along with the "Update Group" button.
4.) This will bring you back to Unit Groups Administration and the updated Group Name should appear in the list of Groups. 
The "Unit Group Administration" page of Event Attendance. A unit group with an updated name is highlighted in the list of unit groups.
See Also:
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KeywordsEvent Attendance, ATLAS, edit group name, group name,   Doc ID91159
OwnerBeckett A.GroupUniversity of Illinois LAS
Created2019-04-17 15:47:31Updated2024-09-17 15:21:00
SitesUniversity of Illinois Liberal Arts and Sciences
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