Expense Reimbursement Types

Explanation of the Different Expense Types used on the Veterinary Medicine Expense Approval form.
  1. Business Travel Expenses: hotel, airfare, baggage check fees, parking, train, taxi, and per diem.

  2. Mileage: Reimbursement for personal vehicle use while conducting university business.

  3. Business Meals: Reimbursement for Business meals purchased with personal funds, not a university T-Card. For example, payment for lunch with a finalist for a faculty appointment.

  4. Specific Expenditures: Membership Fees, Professional Licensing, Conference Registration, Continuing Education Fees.

  5. Cash Purchase: Purchases made with cash or non-University of Illinois System-issued cash equivalents less than $500. Cash purchases can be reimbursed if (1) the unit head determines that the best interests of the unit and the university are served, (2) a University of Illinois System contract is not available for the purchase, and (3) a Purchasing Card (P-Card) is not available or cannot be used to make the purchase. Cash purchases must conform to the same prohibitions and restrictions established for P-Card use for certain commodities and services, such as alcoholic beverages, firearms and ammunition, furniture, animals, and radioactive chemicals (See OBFS Policy 7.6 The University Purchasing Card (P-Card)). Cash purchases must also conform to the restrictions placed on purchases made by university and state employees (See OBFS Policy 7.2 Purchase of Goods and Services - Restricted Items and Purchases Requiring Special Approval). 

  6. Non-employee Reimbursement: Reimbursement to non-employees who incur travel and business-related expenses on behalf of the University when supporting the university’s mission. Expenses for family members should have prior approval.

Keywordsexpense, travel, reimbursement   Doc ID138069
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2024-06-24 10:46:15Updated2024-08-06 11:07:06
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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