Topics Map > Equipment Loan Program

Audio Visual Equipment Loan

IT@Vet Med offers use of the following AV items for loan on a first come, first served basis:
  • Dell Laptop Computer
  • LCD Projector
  • Portable Projection Screen
  • Portable Projector Stand
  • Mini-DV Camcorder
  • Transparency Projector
  • Assorted audiovisual cords or adapters

Available To

Faculty, staff, and students.

Length of Loan

  • All other loans are limited to one week
  • Please request items at least 48 hours in advance


Borrowers are responsible for returning equipment in the same condition as when they received it. If there is damage to a device requiring the device to be replaced, the borrower may be liable for those costs.
Please email to make a reservation.

KeywordsAudio Visual, AV, A/V, Equipment, Loan, borrow, check out, rent, policy, use   Doc ID78537
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2017-12-05 12:11:49Updated2022-11-01 15:15:33
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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