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Echo360 Student Questions

This document summarizes how to monitor and respond to student questions submitted through the Echo360 platform. These questions can be submitted, viewed and answered in real time during an Echo360 Live session, or submitted and responded to asynchronously on a recorded lecture.
Video Instructions:  Video - Student Questions (6m 06s)

  1. Login into Echo360 Live session.
  2. Click on the Double Bubble icon on the top banner.
  3. Questions will show in the right most pane.  
  4. Click into a question to answer it or see student responses.  Click back to return to the list of sorted questions.

Echo360 Discussion screenshot
  1. Anonymous submissions:  Students can submit questions anonymously.  This makes them anonymous to other students but not to the instructor.
    1. Important Note:  Be careful not to share your Echo360 Discussion pane on the monitor used for recording and projection or you may show the names of anonymously submitted questions.
  2. Red dot:  A red dot will be next to questions you have not yet clicked into.
  3. Responses:  Both students or the instructor can respond to a question.  The number of responses will show next to the single bubble icon on the question.
  4. Powerpoint Presenter View (toggling between Powerpoint and Echo360 Live Q&A):  Powerpoints in presenter view will hide the Windows taskbar, making it difficult to toggle between the presentation and the EchoLive Session browser.  While presenting simply hit the Restore Down button in the upper right of powerpoint (icon looks like two stack pages).  The presentation will still project well, you will have presentation notes, but you can now see task back icons to quickly toggle between Powerpoint and other programs.
  5. Instructor Questions:  Instructors can also post questions in the Echo360 Live sessions.  These can even be entered ahead of the class start by the instructor.