FormBuilder - Add a User to a Security Group

Learn how to add user(s) to a security group. This document is similar to KB 76714, but modified to direct users to the AITS FormBuilder Admin server.

To access FormBuilder, proceed to this link:  
For a video tutorial on how to add a user to a security group, check out the video below.

Step 1- Navigate to your desired form group by selecting the Manage Forms button and Select "Security Groups" in the menu to the left.  Tip:   Select the three dashes in the upper left to expand the left menu.
Access your forms and Select "Security Groups" in the menu to the left.
Step 2 - In the security group you'd like to add a member to, enter the users Net ID in the text box.
Enter the users Net ID in the text box within the desired security group.
If a red warning icon appears to the left of the box, the netID or Group Name does not exist or it has been entered incorrectly.
Step 3 - Specify the campus that the user account is associated with ( UIUC, System Offices, UIC, or UIS). 
Specify user type ( UIUC, System Offices, UIC, or UIS)
Step 4 - Click the plus sign (+) to add user
Click the plus sign to add user.
When a user has been added successfully, a small temporary pop-up window will appear in the top right corner with the message "User Added," and your new user will appear in the appropriate security group. 
When a user has been added successfully, a small temporary pop-up window will appear in the top right corner with the message " User Added"

security group, user, group, security, add, user, FormBuilder, administrator 
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Owned by:
Jeff F. in UI College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine