Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Adding Appointments by Service and Doctor
These instruction will guide you through adding available appointments by service and doctor.
Note: Be sure you have your service schedule with the days, times and doctors to be assigned to each.
- From the Vetstar home screen type AM on the command line
- Select #1 Maintenance
- Select #21 Edit Calendar
- Select Edit by: TIME
- Select Modification: Select ADD
- Clinic: SAC
- Section: Enter the department you are editing (Derm, Onco, ZooMed, etc…) F4 to search
- Start Date: Enter the date you are editing
- End Date: Should be the same as Start Date

- Start Time: Enter as whole numbers (ex: 0900 or 0930) A for AM and P for PM
- End Time: Enter as whole numbers A or P Minute
- Intervals: 15, 30, 60, 90 (cannot do more than 90)
- If you are adding a single appointment you can just add a 1 minute interval.
- Enter through the days of the week fields
- Example shows 30 so it would add appointments every 30 minutes from 9a until

- Service Assignments pops up and you can enter the Services you are adding or removing here