Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Add Time Slots
Adding time slots to your Calendar.
CAUTION: Be certain you follow instructions precisely or you could remove all calendars for all sections.
- Type AM on the command line
- Select #1 Maintenance
- Select #21 Edit Calendar
- Select Edit by: TIME
- Select Modification: Select ADD
- Clinic: SAC
- Section: It is Very important to include the section: Enter the department you are editing (Derm, Onco, ZooMed, etc…)
- Start Date: Enter the date you are editing
- End Date: Should be the same as Start Date
Start Time: Enter as whole numbers (ex: 0900 or 0930) A or P
10. Start Time: Enter as whole numbers (ex: 0900 or 0930) A or P
11. End Time: Enter as whole numbers A or P Minute Intervals: 15, 30, 60, 90 (cannot do more than 90)12. Enter through the days of the week fieldsa. Example shows 30 so it would add appointments every 30 minutes from 98a until 4p

13. Service Assignments pops up and you can enter the Services you are adding or removing here.Note: F3 to save the Service Assignment, Y to save out of both screens. Then verify your changes are present on the calendar.